I’m Yet Ready For Marriage, Olamide Says, Accuses Babymama of Attempt To Trap Him Into Marriage @Richard


Olamide have said that he will not marry his babymama because of her greediness.

Olamide in an interview accused her of deliberately trying to trap him into marriage even when she knows that he never had any plan to do so. Though he complimented her for having the courage to give him a bouncing baby boy despite not wedding her or tying her down with a ring. Here’s what Olamide said about his precious babymama.

“My baby boy. I have been waiting for him for a very long while so happy he is here healthy and all that and big shout out to my girlfriend for taking that risk for me you hardly see a girl that will want to do that for you without doing the whole official P. I respect her for that but I must also state that I am still single and no plan of marrying soon,” he said

Lol, smart girl don jam guy man.

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